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Vaccines Every Senior Should Consider

Man with bandaide smiles after discussing vaccines every senior should consider

Winter is coming, and that means shorter days and colder temperatures. It also means seniors are more susceptible to common diseases, like the flu or COVID-19. You can prevent many diseases by getting a vaccine. There are several vaccines every senior should consider to reduce the risk of getting sick this year.  

For more information about our senior health and wellness program, call Parkway Place at 281.305.1846 today to schedule a tour and consultation.  

Vaccinations for Senior Health 

Vaccinations are essential for seniors’ health and well-being and are updated each year to combat the strain of many common illnesses. Why do we need vaccines? As we age, our immune system begins to break down and cannot protect us like it used to. Vaccinations boost the immune system and prepare the body to fight off a specific infection, like the flu, Covid-19, shingles, or other common diseases. 

A vaccine does not mean you cannot get the disease. If you do become sick after a vaccine, symptoms will be milder, and you won’t be affected as much. Seniors should stay current with all common vaccinations to prevent these illnesses from infecting them. If not, they will experience the full symptoms of the disease, which can lead to long-term illness, hospitalization, and even death.  

Vaccines Every Senior Should Consider 

Seniors are at a higher risk of illness due to several factors, including chronic conditions, respiratory viruses, and obesity. If you are interested in learning about which vaccines are for seniors, here is a list of vaccines every senior should consider: 

  • COVID-19 – The COVID-19 pandemic is over, but you still need to stay current with your COVID-19 vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you get an updated COVID-19 vaccine every six months.  
  • Flu – Another recommended vaccine for seniors is the flu shot. The flu shot is something that every senior should receive. It is a quadrivalent vaccine, meaning it protects against four different strains of influenza. The CDC recommends that seniors receive three types of flu shots: Fluzone High-Dose, Flubok, and Fluad. 
  • Pneumococcal – This vaccine is also known as the pneumonia shot and is recommended for seniors over the age of 65. This vaccine protects against pneumococcal infections, including invasive diseases, such as invasive fungal infections. 
  • Shingles – Shingles is a painful rash that is common in many seniors and is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). This vaccine is recommended for adults over 50 and can help prevent or minimize a shingles outbreak. 
  • TDap – This is a vaccine that prevents multiple illnesses in seniors. It protects against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, which is a cold-like illness that can lead to a severe cough, otherwise known as Whooping Cough. 
  • RSV – RSV stands for respiratory syncytial virus, which can be very dangerous for seniors. Symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, fever, and fatigue.  

Other common vaccines that every senior should consider include Hepatitis B, Whooping cough, Meningococcal, and Tetanus. 

Call Parkway Place Today to Stay on Top of Your Health 

At Parkway Place, we welcome senior adults who are looking for a senior living community to call home. When you first arrive, we will take the time to get to know you and create a comprehensive care program that can include medication management, assistance with daily living needs, nutritious meals, and more. We have a dedicated senior immunization schedule for all types of common illnesses and have the latest flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.  

To learn more about how we prevent illnesses in our residents, call 281.305.1846 or use the online form today to speak with our team and schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you or a loved one stay on top of wellness issues.Â